Understanding the Board’s Perspective on Cybersecurity

Following the onslaught of high-profile cyberattacks reported in the past twelve to eighteen months, cyber security has become a more frequent topic in board-level conversations. How should the CISO respond to these new challenges and pressures?
Using data from an NYSE survey of nearly 200 corporate directors, two of the industry’s best-known voices – Andy Ellis, CSO of Akamai and Chris Wysopal, CTO & CISO of Veracode –discuss how CISOs can elevate the security conversation to a board-level discussion.
Wysopal and Ellis also discuss key questions such as:
•What are board members’ biggest fears regarding cyberattacks?
•Who do board members hold accountable when a major breach does occur at your company?
•How do board members prefer information be presented about risk posture and strategies?
•What metrics are most effective for gaining buy-in for your risk reduction strategy?




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