CISO Resources

  • How to CISO, Volume 1: The First 91 Days

    How to CISO, Volume 1: The First 91 Days

    Just want to download the eBook? Head over to How to CISO, Volume 1: The First 91 Days! It seems to be a rite of passage for all CISOs to, at some point in their career, write down their advice for other CISOs starting a new job, whether they are a first-time or veteran CISO.…

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Security Talks

  • Summary Everybody sells, right? Wrong. Unless you’re taking an order and retiring your quota, you don’t sell – instead, you market. If you’re selling to a CISO, you need to understand the organizational dynamics that surround a CISO’s decision-making process. This talk walks through nine critical questions that CISOs need to understand the answers to…

  • The Untold Story of Fantastical Social Engineering. Hidden inside the story of Harry Potter is a most subtle of social engineering attacks. Explore how J.K. Rowling hid the world’s greatest villain in plain sight. This talk explores the world of Harry Potter from a different angle: that of the villain. In this talk, given in…

  • How do you know what to invest in next, or whether the time and energy that you’re spending on a security technology or program is a good investment?  Learn how veteran CSOs think about security investments, and develop your own rubric for evaluating where to best make your next security improvement.

  • How do you design defenses against DDoS? And how do you think about them from a policy perspective?

  • How do humans make risk decisions, and are they good, bad, or something else?

  • How do the grand challenges of the future look like the grand challenges of the past?

  • What does a Zero Trust journey look like? Explore how we migrated Akamai to a zero trust network access model, before that was even a phrase people knew.

Security Panels

  • Investing in Solutions for Tomorrow’s Attacks

    Potential investors in the cybersecurity sector need a deep understanding of what the pinch points are for cybersecurity practitioners. Andy Ellis, a 20-year CSO at Akamai who is now an operating partner at YL Ventures, discusses what cybersecurity sectors are attracting investment – and why.

  • Scaling Security Programs in High Growth Companies

    This webinar discusses the challenges of scaling security programs in high-growth companies, featuring insights from security experts from HashiCorp and Robinhood.

Security Blog

Security Podcasts

  • Cloud Security Reinvented: Sameer Sait
    Cloud Security Reinvented: Sameer Sait Episode Summary It’s been more than a decade since the cloud emerged as a new concept. And it’s safe to say that it has practically become the new normal, especially since the COVID-19 outbreak. However, when it comes to improving cyber security and risk management in the cloud, we still have a long way…

  • Decommission Our Legacy Tech or Just Shut Down the Business?
    Decommission Our Legacy Tech or Just Shut Down the Business? This week’s episode is hosted by me, David Spark (@dspark), producer of CISO Series and Andy Ellis (@csoandy), operating partner, YL Ventures. Our guest is TJ Mann (@teejaymann), CISO, Children’s Mercy Kansas City. Full transcriptI [Voiceover] Best advice I ever got in security. Go! [TJ Mann] Your data is your most valuable asset. Be careful who you share with your data with, and what…

  • Life’s Certainties: Death, Taxes, and Violating Security Policies
    Life’s Certainties: Death, Taxes, and Violating Security Policies This week’s episode is hosted by me, David Spark (@dspark), producer of CISO Series and Andy Ellis (@csoandy), operating partner, YL Ventures. Our guest is Bruce Schneier (@schneierblog), chief of security architecture, Inrupt and fellow and lecturer at Harvard Kennedy School. Full transcript [Voiceover] Best advice for a CISO. Go! [Bruce Schneier] I teach a class in cyber security policy at the Harvard Kennedy School, basically…