Category: HomePage

  • Stop Destroying Value: Six Leadership Disciplines

    Stop Destroying Value: Six Leadership Disciplines

    Walk through all of the ways that poor leadership harms the value that team members produce, outlining six key disciplines that leaders need to practice.

  • How to CISO, Volume 1: The First 91 Days

    How to CISO, Volume 1: The First 91 Days

    Just want to download the eBook? Head over to How to CISO, Volume 1: The First 91 Days! It seems to be a rite of passage for all CISOs to, at some point in their career, write down their advice for other CISOs starting a new job, whether they are a first-time or veteran CISO.…

  • Remote VideoConferencing Setup

    Remote VideoConferencing Setup

    If you’ve heard me on a podcast, or seen me at a virtual conference, maybe you’ve been surprised at the audio and video capabilities I bring. Enough people have asked me to write them up, so here you go.